Thursday, April 29, 2010


Tuesday, April 20, 2010


i love the show skins so i wanted to put up pictures of the characters from the first and second seasons.


todays outfit is a flower tank thing, skinny jeans, striped sweater and converse...pretty boring.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Here with my friends

At my friends house watching the spice girls movie.  it is possibly the best movie on earth!!! i absolutely love it.  anna is baby, cae is scary and i'm posh. the fashion is so funny. they are all wearing huge platforms and belly shirts. haha i love it!  now the asian is having a baby, how cute...haha and i adore their songs, reminds me of when i was little and they were my heros.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Got a Lookbook

omg!! im soo incredibly happy that i got a lookbook. im sooo excited. maybe need to buy some new clothes to celebrate...ya i think thts sounds good!

lovely day

ok so yesterday was a good day, my friend Samantha came over with her little sister Luusje and we had a lot of fun. we made a delicious lunch consisting of quesadillas, quacamole, and veggies. after we ate we walked up to a coffee shop and met with their dad and little brother. and then walked over to Samantha's house. i made another collage while at their house and im soo excited because i've been really creative lately and i love it! ok well today is a low key day where i do my homework and lounge around and honestly i hate these kinds of days. :(

Saturday, April 17, 2010

random pictures

Friday, April 16, 2010


so me and anna made a collage of all things relating to fashion! we brought all of our magazines and created an amazing work of art, but failed to clean up the scraps :(. it was a lot of fun, us bonding and all just like when we were little, good times.

Me friend Fifi


Green tea

i had green tea today.  its good for your skin. yay.

Here with my Friend Anna

So me and Anna are chillin out, watching tv and being cozy. she is one of my friends who also likes fashion. Today, Anna wore a cream dress with yellow, blue and green and red flowers on it. I wore a black billabong tank with jeans and sandals. For me my outfit was very casual and plain soo i dressed it up with jewelry. 
Yo yo yo its Anna's toe!!!! hows it goin my fashionable friends?????
haha me and my friend bein silly! =)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Ok so about that civics test that i studied for hours, well i got a C. not the best but not the worst. i was so disappointed because i thought i was starting to understand. oh well there is always bonus. i have more homework tonight than i fun. better get back to anglais homework this will probably take me forever because i have to write ten pages of bullshit since it only counts for completion and not if its well written. But dont judge the way i write in this blog because i'm not trying that hard, this is a place for me to express how i feel creatively.

Outfit for Tomorrow

So me and my friends decided what i'm are going to wear tomorrow: black and white striped skirt as shirt from American Apparel, black skinny jeans, and red polka dot wedges.
This skirt is the same as the one i have but its black and white striped.


Today i wore a tank top blouse from Free People, cargo pants and sandals. Overall, a very spring look fit for nice wealther, hopefully more to come.

Day with Friends

I'm here with my friends after school relaxing with my mummy and discussing skincare. We just came back from haveing ice cream and watching all the little children walk from school.  Unfortunatley, i ran into my "two" year old enemy, but at least i had my friends to defend me, haha how pathetic. now we are talking about hotdogs and the many toppings we enjoy! Next ve are going to plan how ve vill eliminate ze evil child MWWWWWAAAHHAHAhaha jk...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Night Night

Well its been a long day and im ready to go to bed and get my BEAUTY sleep. Nighty hope all have good dreams and tomorrow is a new day with new experiences!

I abusolutly love these little perfumes. I have one and it smells lovely! i want to get another one...and they're sooo cute.

today's a good day

ok so today was good. i was really hyper and happy!! i gave all of my friendship bracelets away which means more friends for me! yay me. I studied sooo much for civics but i dont know if i did well, i got me fingers crossed. =). im soo adicted to this blog even though no one is reading it. right now im procrastinating doing my homework and my dad is getting annoyed with this blog already. My outfit today was rather casual and not the best haha. i wore skinny jeans, striped steater, convers and CANADA t-shirt. Canada rules!

Gossip Girl

so one of the most fashionable shows on television has got to be gossip girl.  Its an easy win for the wealthy upper east sidders.  Always looking perfect as if the paparazzi was following them 24/7.  Its difficult to choose my favorite dresser but for the girls i choose Serena because she always looks effortlessly beautiful.  And for the guys i choose Dan because hes dresses different from the rest and still looks rather sexay.


so lookbook is my absolute favorite website ever...but i wasnt accepted. probably because i dont have any fashion pictures of myself at the moment. oh well i guess i'll just have to enjoy looking at others pictures. :(

Photo shoot

this picture is from a photoshoot i did with some friends...they are inspired by alice in wonderland!

Store: Zara

Ok so when i went to New York i went shopping...a lot. one of my favorite stores was Zara. Its a well known clothing store targeted for young adults.  I really liked the clothes and the prices aren't outrageous. Although ther were a lot i wanted to buy my dad limited it to only one thing. so i chose an adorable white summer dress. i'll post pictures soon!

First Blog

so I'm here to blog about anything and everything related to style. between school and family i will try and save time to share my thoughts on fashion. Hopefully soon i will take my own pictures and post what i think is fashionable :). although style is my main focus i may wander into different subjects just to keep it interesting considering how easily bored i get...