Thursday, April 29, 2010


Tuesday, April 20, 2010


i love the show skins so i wanted to put up pictures of the characters from the first and second seasons.


todays outfit is a flower tank thing, skinny jeans, striped sweater and converse...pretty boring.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Here with my friends

At my friends house watching the spice girls movie.  it is possibly the best movie on earth!!! i absolutely love it.  anna is baby, cae is scary and i'm posh. the fashion is so funny. they are all wearing huge platforms and belly shirts. haha i love it!  now the asian is having a baby, how cute...haha and i adore their songs, reminds me of when i was little and they were my heros.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Got a Lookbook

omg!! im soo incredibly happy that i got a lookbook. im sooo excited. maybe need to buy some new clothes to celebrate...ya i think thts sounds good!

lovely day

ok so yesterday was a good day, my friend Samantha came over with her little sister Luusje and we had a lot of fun. we made a delicious lunch consisting of quesadillas, quacamole, and veggies. after we ate we walked up to a coffee shop and met with their dad and little brother. and then walked over to Samantha's house. i made another collage while at their house and im soo excited because i've been really creative lately and i love it! ok well today is a low key day where i do my homework and lounge around and honestly i hate these kinds of days. :(

Saturday, April 17, 2010

random pictures